General information
The organizers of the conference are
N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of
Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Federal University
named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin and ООО "Адаптивные решения" (Adaptive Solutions Ltd.).
The conference is dedicated to Professor
Vyacheslav A. Belonogov
in the occasion of his 80th birthday and to Professor
Vitaly A. Baransky
in the occasion of his 70th birthday. The topic of the
conference includes all branches of group theory, graph theory, automata
and formal language theory and algorithm theory. The official language
of the conference is English.
All scientific activities will take place in the recreation area Ivolga which is located near Yekaterinburg.
To get this place from Yekaterinburg buses will be provided by G2A2-Organizers
(see Travel for details).
For more information about accommodation, see Accommodation.
For photos of Ivolga, see here.
Scientific program
The scientific program consists of Minicourses in the frame of the PhD school, Plenary and Contributed talks.
The minicourses
Klavdija Kutnar,
Dragan Marušič:
Graphs and their automorphism groups (more)
Tomaž Pisanski:
Symmetries in Graphs with Python and Sage (more)
Nadezhda Timofeeva:
Monstrous Moonshine (more)
Evgeny Vdovin:
Existence and conjugacy of Hall subgroups. Contemporary progress and open problems
Mikhail Volkov:
Synchronizing finite automata: a problem everyone
can understand but nobody can solve (so far) (more)
For syllabus of all minicourses, visit Minicourses
Plenary talks
Bernhard Amberg:
On products of groups which contain abelian subgroups of finite index
Vitaly Baransky,
Tatiana Nadymova,
Tatiana Senchonok :
The lattice of graphical partitions (abstract)
Vyacheslav Belonogov:
Character theory and abstract structure of finite groups (abstract)
Alexander Gavrilyuk,
Sergey Goryainov,
Leonid Shalaginov:
On Deza circulants (abstract,
Tatsuro Ito:
Finite dimensional irreducible representations of the TD-algebra
Vladislav Kabanov,
Leonid Shalaginov:
On some classes of Deza graphs
Lev Kazarin :
Group factorizations, graphs and related topics (abstract,
Anatoly Kondrat'ev:
On prime graphs of finite groups (abstract,
Zhi Qiao,
Alexander Gavrilyuk,
Jack Koolen,
Jongyook Park:
On recent progress of 2-walk-regular graphs* (abstract,
*Note, the topic of this talk was changed by the speaker
Olga Kravtsova,
Vladimir Levchuk:
Problems on structure of finite quasifields and projective translation planes
Alexander Makhnev:
Koolen problem for t=5 (abstract)
Anatoly Kondrat'ev,
Natalia Maslova,
Danila Revin:
On the pronormality of subgroups of odd indices in finite simple groups
Vladimir Trofimov:
Some problems concerning vertex-symmetric graphs (abstract)
Contributed talks
Each contributed talk may be scheduled Monday afternoon through Friday afternoon for 15-minute timeslots.
Please send one page abstracts in LaTeX and PDF written using sample presented in
All accepted abstracts will be published. Please note, that a limited number of slots are available for contributed talks.
When all will be taken, we will not be able to accept any more talks.
For a conference timetable, see Program.
Scientific committee:
Alexander Makhnev (Chair),
Alexander Gavrilyuk, Lev Kazarin, Anatoly Kondrat'ev, Elena Konstantinova, Natalia Maslova, Viktor Mazurov, Dmitrii Paduchikh,
Danila Revin, Vladimir Trofimov, Andrey Vasil’ev, Mikhail Volkov, Viktor Zenkov.
Organizing committee:
Vladislav Kabanov (co-chairman),
Mikhail Volkov (co-chairman),
Ivan Belousov, Konstantin Efimov,
Alexander Gavrilyuk, Sergey Goryainov, Ekaterina Khomyakova, Igor Khramtsov, Valeria Kolpakova, Anton Konygin,
Natalia Maslova (secretary),
Oleg Rasin, Igor Vakula, Boris Vernikov, Marianna Zinov'eva.
Steering committee:
Sergey Goryainov,
Elena Konstantinova,
Klavdija Kutnar,
Alexander Makhnev,
Natalia Maslova,
Alexander Mednykh.
*Note, the topic of this talk was changed by the speaker